Earlier today, thanks to Star Wars Underworld many Clone Wars fans were engaged in what was referred to as a #SaveTheCloneWars twitter protest. I saw hundreds of tweets asking @Disney to #SaveTheCloneWars, and I tweeted and retweeted more than I can count. We hope that this event will get the attention of Disney and let them see how passionate Clone Wars fans are.
This evening, TheForce.Net is reporting that some insiders at LucasFilm Animation have leaked some information about the upcoming "bonus content." They also have some news of what will we miss is production is not restarted. In their post entitled "
Report: TCW Bonus Content To Be Two Story Arcs," they reported the following:
"A source in the know tells me that Lucasfilm is only finishing two story arcs from the material that they had planned for The Clone Wars Season Six. Among the story arcs that will not emerge in this post-cancellation era is one that dealt with Boba Fett and the other bounty hunters who have menaced the heroes for several seasons. This story arc, which my source tells me was almost done, would have shown us the fates of Cad Bane and Aurra Sing." Source: TheForce.Net
We have to assume that the Rush Clovis arc that was pushed back from season five will be one of the two arcs, and from the video Dave posted, the other arc may be a clone-centric one.
TheForce.Net's article also included a mention that some at LucasFilm Animation felt that the fan response was "tepid." Many fans were probably lulled into a false sense of security by PR speak of the press release and Dave's video. Thanks to Jimmy Mac for sounding the alarm earlier than anyone else I follow. Were it not for he and Jason on Rebel Force Radio, I wouldn't have been as vocal in our campaign to #SaveTheCloneWars or in my support of the cast and crew of Clone Wars.
Save The Clone Wars info@savetheclonewars.com
We appreciate Disney and LucasFilm and are looking forward to the sequel trilogy; however, we love The Clone Wars! We want more than bonus content! We want the many stories that the creators have set out to tell to be completed. We ask that the powers that be to please reconsider this decision. |
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Tepid? That's because few people believed what was happening until it was too late.
ReplyDeletethat's too bad, Aurra Sing was in the gameboy advanced game "the new clone army"
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else think it would be a good idea to try and get the 501st legion to march on Disney Studios? I saw the idea on Twitter and think it's a pretty good one.
ReplyDelete501st Legion Southern California Garrison Website:
I agree fan response has been tepid. However, Dave Filoni's broadcast to the world made it sound like we'd be getting at the very least a full season 6; it was just that they wouldn't appear on Cartoon Network, and maybe wouldn't appear on TV at all.
ReplyDeleteWhen you put out a statement that is at best ambiguous and at worst still promises many more episodes, the fans are going to respond with patience and be lulled into a false sense of security about the future of the show. Try being a bit clearer next time!