
Thank you for your support, for the last five and half years! We are so happy that on July 19, 2018 LucasFilm has announced that Clone Wars will be back from another season! #CloneWarsSaved! Also, thank you to the Clone Wars fans, for constantly reminding LucasFilm that we wanted them to #SaveTheCloneWars!

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Monday, March 25, 2013

The Wookiee Agrees

Encouraging word for the day.  The #SaveTheCloneWars twitter campaign continues, and thanks to a fellow Clone Wars fan @irturner's tweet to him, we got a response from Peter Mayhew.  Nice to have an original trilogy, prequel trilogy, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars veteran tweet us.

Thanks Mr. Mayhew, and as Han Solo said, "Punch it Chewie."

Save The Clone Wars

We appreciate Disney and LucasFilm and are looking forward to
the sequel trilogy; however, we love The Clone Wars!  We want more than bonus content! We want the many stories that the creators have set out to tell to be completed. We ask that the powers that be to please reconsider this decision.

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